1. Network Management Specification
8000-A2-GB30-00 June 2003
6. Link Layer
6.1 ATM (AtoM) MIB (RFC 2515)
The ATM MIB provides objects for management of the ATM Cell and AAL5 interfaces.
Although primarily associated with mib-2 37, RFC 2515 provides 9 groups for support of
ATM. The following table indicates the support for these groups. The related MIB objects
are supported in the DSLATM, ATMUP and AAL5 interfaces as they apply per RFC 2515.
Please refer to Table 1-6, GranDSLAM 3.0 Interface List for the exact number of ATM
6.1.1 ATM Interface Configuration Parameter Group (RFC 2515)
This table contains information on ATM cell layer configuration of local ATM interfaces on
an ATM device in addition to the information on such interfaces contained in the ifTable.
This table is supported for each ATM interface: Backplane, and Management Processor.
The table, atmInterfaceConfEntry, contains the following objects: “atmInterfaceMaxVpcs” Object (atmInterfaceConfEntry 1)
This object contains the maximum number of VPCs supported at this ATM interface. The
only valid values for this object are:
Table 1-38. ATM MIB
Table Comments
atmInterfaceConfEntry Supported as is
atmInterfaceDs3PlcpEntry Not supported
atmInterfaceTCEntry Supported as is
atmTrafficDescrParamEntry Supported as is
atmVplEntry VP Switching is not supported
atmVclEntry Supported as is
atmVpCrossConnectEntry VP Switching is not supported
atmVcCrossConnectEntry Supported as is
aal5VccEntry Not supported
Table 1-39. atmInterfaceMaxVpcs
Interface atmInterfaceMaxVpcs
AAL5 0