1. Network Management Specification
8000-A2-GB30-00 June 2003
7.6.1 pdnMgmtIpPortTable
This is the IP Port Table. There is one entry per IP port/interface in the system.This table
contains the configuration details of each Ip port. This table is indexed on the interface
index of the IP port. pdnMgmtIpPortIndex (NA)
The index assigned to the IP Port. Currently, no Ip port is represented in the ifTable of
RFC 2863. The following table lists the interface indexes to appear on the IpPortTable.
Table 1-84. PDN-MGMT-IP-MIB
Table Object Type Supported
pdnMgmtIpPortTable pdnMgmtIpPortIndex InterfaceIndex Yes
pdnMgmtIpAddress IpAddress Yes
pdnMgmtIpNetMask IpAddress Yes
pdnMgmtIpEthGateway IpAddress Yes
pdnMgmtIpPhysAddress PhysAddress Yes
pdnMgmtIpConfigMode INTEGER Yes
pdnMgmtBootIfIndex InterfaceIndex Yes
pdnMgmtBootVpi ATMVpIdentifier Yes
pdnMgmtBootVci ATMVcIdentifier Yes
pdnMgmtIpAdminStatus INTEGER Yes
pdnMgmtAtmInvArpEntry pdnMgmtAtmIfIndex InterfaceIndex Yes
pdnMgmtAtmVpi ATMVpIdentifier Yes
pdnMgmtAtmVci ATMVcIdentifier Yes
pdnMgmtIpPortIfIndex InterfaceIndex Yes
pdnMgmtNextHopIp IpAddress Yes
pdnMgmtAtmInvArpRowStatus RowStatus Yes
pdnMgmtIpDefaultRouter IpAddress Yes
Table 1-85. pdnMgmtIpPortIndex list
ifInterface Index
(ifIndex) Interface Descr
IP Port over Ethernet 001002802 “Ip Port over Ethernet”
IP Port over ATM-1 001004803 “Ip Port over ATM-1”
IP Port over ATM-2 001004804 “Ip Port over ATM-2”