– 6 – Y53-6033
Regional Haul (R05/10)
tification” on page 258
.This section explains vehicle iden-
tification and provides space to record model and serial
numbers of major components installed on your vehicle.
Additional Sources of Information
Installed Equipment — Operator's Manuals
Major component suppliers to Peterbilt also supply opera-
tion manuals specific to their products. Additional manu-
als and other pieces of literature are included in the glove
compartment literature set. Look for information on prod-
ucts such as the engine, driver’s seat, transmission,
axles, tires, and radio. If you are missing these pieces of
literature, ask your Peterbilt Dealer for copies.
Other Sources
Another place to learn more about trucking is from local
truck driving schools. Contact one near you to learn about
courses they offer.
Federal and state agencies such as the department of
licensing also have information you can ask for. The
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration can give you
information about regulations governing transportation
across state lines. Regulations that differ from state to
state can be found at various agencies in state govern-