Regional Haul
(R05/10) Y53-6033 – 33 –
– Trip Idle Percentage (%)
– PTO Hours
– PTO Trip Hours
– PTO Trip Percentage (%)
To reset the Trip Values, press the Trip Odometer
Reset Button on the main gauge instrument cluster.
E. Truck Information (Accessible only while parked)
NOTE: When accessing the truck informa-
tion menu, push the MCS on this menu (bul-
let). To exit, push the MCS again.
1. Chassis Number
2. Engine Make
3. Engine Model
4. Engine SW Version
5. Transmission Make
6. Transmission Model
7. Transmission SW Version
8. ABS (Antilock Braking System) Make
9. ABS Model
10. ABS SW Version
11. CECU (Cab Electronic Control Unit) Software
12. CECU Hardware Version
F. Diagnostic Display (Accessible only while parked)
NOTE: “Faults Found” will only be active if a
red or yellow warning lamp is illuminated.
The diagnostic display menu (bullet) will indicate a
fault that is generated by the vehicle's Engine, ABS
and/or Transmission systems. While on this menu
item the display will either indicate "No Faults