– 228 – Y53-6033
Regional Haul (R05/10)
CAUTION: To avoid possible property damage
• Do not spray any kind of liquid directly at
instruments or controls. Apply cleaner to a
rag first and then clean instruments and
gauges. Excess fluid may damage the use
and function of instruments and gauges.
• Always test a commercial cleaning agent on
an inconspicuous area of the surface to be
cleaned before using it.
• Never clean interior components with
chemicals or solvents such as
– Gasoline
– Naphtha
– Turpentine
– Carbon Tetrachloride
– Lacquer Thinner
– Nail Polish Remover
– Ammonia-based Products
• Clean difficult stains such as oil, grease,
and mustard as soon as possible. The
longer a stain goes untreated, the more dif-
ficult it is to remove.
• Avoid application of conditioning products
containing silicones or waxes to the top
surface of the dash panel. This may cause
glare that can be a driver distraction.