– 36 – Y53-6033
Regional Haul (R05/10)
Standard Gauges
On the pages that follow you will find descriptions of some
of the gauges on your instrument panel. For more infor-
mation about using them in driving, see “
Starting and
Operating the Vehicle”
Also check the Index under the
name of the gauge or function you want to know more
WARNING! Do not ignore a warning light or
audbile alarm. These signals tell you some-
thing is wrong with your vehicle. It could be a
failure in an important system, such as the
brakes, which could lead to an accident
involving death or personal injury. Have the
appropriate system checked immediately.
Some gauges will display a red LED warning light, with
some accompanied by an audible alarm, whenever the
limits of the function being displayed are exceeded.
The speedometer indicates the vehicle speed in miles per
hour (mph) and in kilometers per hour (km/h). The speed-
ometer also includes an odometer, trip meter, and trip
reset button.
Odometer / Trip Meter
The LCD display in the lower part of the speedometer
contains the odometer and trip meter.
The odometer displays the total distance your vehicle has
traveled. It will display in miles on an English speedome-
ter or in kilometers on a metric speedometer. The maxi-
Trip Reset