Regional Haul
(R05/10) Y53-6033 – 137 –
Vehicle Recovery and Spring Brakes
Your Regional Haul vehicle is equipped with built-in
recovery provisions, designed for short distance use only.
If your vehicle must be recovered, disconnect the driveline
at the rear U–joint, and remove or support the rearmost
section of the driveline. This is necessary because if the
transmission is driven by the driveshaft (rear wheels on
the ground), no lubricant will reach the gears and bear-
ings, causing damage to the transmission.
CAUTION: Remove the driveline and axle
shafts or lift the driving wheels off the ground
before towing the vehicle. See “More Driving
Tips and Techniques” on page 127. All lubricat-
ing and clutch application oil pressure is pro-
vided by an engine-driven pump, which will
not work when the engine is stopped. You
could seriously damage your vehicle by tow-
ing it with the driveline connected and the
drive wheels on the ground.
Worse, when vehicles are towed, either by wrecker or
piggy-back, the lubricant in the top front of the drive axle
will drain to the rear. This will leave the top components
dry. The resulting friction may seriously damage them.
Always remove the main driveshaft and axle shafts before
towing your vehicle.
NOTE: For additional information concerning
heavy-duty truck recovery, see Truck Mainte-
nance Council Recommended Practice #602–A
— “Front Towing Devices For Trucks and Trac-
tors,” and #626 — “Heavy Duty Truck Towing Pro-
cedures.” Copies of these can be obtained from
the following address:
The Maintenance Council
American Trucking Association Inc.
2200 Mill Rd.
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 838-1763