– 42 – Y53-6033
Regional Haul (R05/10)
CAUTION: The fuel gauge shows the approxi-
mate amount of fuel in the fuel tanks. Besides
empty and full, the gauge also indicates 1/4, 1/2,
and 3/4 of total capacity. You will want to keep
your fuel tanks at least half full to reduce con-
densation of moisture in the tanks. This mois-
ture can damage your engine.
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Gauge
The deisel exhaust fluid gauge shows the approximate
amount of DEF fluid in the DEF tank. Besides empty and
full, the gauge also indicates 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 of total
capacity. DEF fluid is required to meet certain emission
requirements. Do not allow your DEF tank to remain
empty. Please refer to your emission supplemental man-
ual for more details about DEF fluid.
CAUTION: Use Diesel Exhaust Fluid only. Fail-
ure to do so may damage components of the
Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF).
Primary (Secondary) Air Pressure Gauge (Air
The air pressure gauge indicates the amount of air pres-
sure in the brake system in pounds per square inch (psi).
• The primary gauge shows front reservoir air pressure.
• The secondary gauge shows pressure in the rear res-
Ensure the air pressure registers more than 100 psi in
both service systems before you move the vehicle. If the
pressure in either circuit is too low for normal brake oper-
ation, the warning light will glow and the audible alarm will