
MGC Manager User’s Guide - VoicePlus Edition
Audio Tones
While defining the conference parameters, you can enable any of the audio
tones (Entry tone, Exit tone, and End of Conference Alert tone) to be heard
during an On Going Conference. If Roll Call is enabled for the conference,
the audio tones are replaced with an appropriate message.
Exit Tone - is played when a participant disconnects from the
conference. All the connected participants hear this tone.
If Roll Call is enabled, the system announces the self-recorded name of
the participant leaving the conference.
Entry Tone - is played when a participant connects to the conference.
This tone is heard by all the conference participants currently connected
to the conference (but not by the connecting participant).
If Roll Call is enabled, the system announces the self-recorded name of
the participant connecting to the conference.
End Time Alert Tone x Min - the end of conference reminder is played
once to all the connected participants, x minutes before the end of the
conference. The x value is defined during the conference setup.
If Roll Call is enabled, the system plays the special audio message: “The
conference is about to end”.