
Chapter 1 - VoicePlus Overview
About the MGC Manager User’s Guide VoicePlus
The VoicePlus Edition includes information required to set up and monitor On
Going Audio Only Conferences, Audio Only reservations, define Audio Only
participants and configure the IVR modules. In addition, it includes directions
for using the Polycom ReadiRecorder audio recording system
If you are new to the Polycom MCU and MGC Manager, we recommend that
you read the appropriate Getting Started Guide that accompanies your unit.
The other volumes of the MGC Manager User Guides documentation set
describe setting up and monitoring multipoint video conferences and
combined audio/video conferencing. They describe performing system
configuration activities for the MGC Multipoint Control Units (MCUs) to
which it connects. This user’s guide provides references to related topics in
other volumes of our documentation as relates to each topic.