MGC Manager User’s Guide - VoicePlus Edition
If required, modify the following parameters:
— disconnect the participant, by clicking the Disconnect button
3. To view general information regarding the participant connection and to
mute or unmute the participant's audio channel, click the Connection
Info2 tab.
Channels Status
• Participant Phone # – In a dial-in connection,
indicates the participant's CLI (Calling Line
Identification) as identified by the MCU.
In a dial-out connection, indicates the
participant's phone number dialed by the MCU.
• MCU Phone # – In a dial-in connection, indicates
the MCU number dialed by the participant.
In a dial-out connection, indicates the CLI
number of the MCU as seen by the participant.
This number is entered in the MCU Number field
in the ISDN Network Service configuration.
Table 3-9: ISDN Participant Properties - Connection Info1 (Continued)
Field/Option Description