Chapter 4 - Operations Performed During On Going Conferences
The voting results are shown in the Voting Results section.
The following information is displayed in the Voting Results pane:
Table 4-3: Voting Results Parameters
Field/Option Description
Number of
Displays the number of participants currently
connected to the conference.
Number of Voters Displays the number of participants who have
already voted. This number is updated continuously
according to the number of voters.
Show results as
percentage with
reference to:
Select this option to display the number of votes for
each choice as percentage. If checked, select the
category from which to calculate the percentage:
• Voters Only – Displays the percentage of
participants who voted for each choice, out of the
total number of voters.
• All Participants – Displays the percentage of
participants who voted for each of choice, out of
the total number of connected participants.