
MGC Manager User’s Guide - VoicePlus Edition
Viewing the Audio Messages Status
The number of messages that can be downloaded to the MGC unit’s Audio+
card is defined in the “system.cfg” file. The audio files for the messages and
voice prompts are sorted and stored in groups according to their duration.
Five duration categories are provided:
2-second, 4-second, 8-second, 16-second and 32-second groups.
The messages are sorted in the Audio+ card of the MCU. The number of
messages that can be downloaded to the Audio+ card for each of these
groups, is listed in Table 6-15.
You can check the number of audio files that are currently stored on the
Audio+ card and the status of the downloading process (if you check the
status during the download process).
To view the status of the audio messages:
1. Expand the MCU tree, and then expand the MCU Configuration tree.
2. Right-click the IVR Services icon, and then click Messages Status.
The IVR Messages Status dialog box opens, listing the IVR messages
audio files that are currently stored on the Audio+ card, sorted according
Table 6-15: Max. Number of Messages by Duration Category Group
Duration Category Group Max. Number of Voice Messages in Group
2-second duration 360
4-second duration 438
8-second duration 172
16-second duration 24
32-second duration 36