Chapter 2 - Defining Standard Audio Only Conferences and Reservations
option is automatically selected (and cannot be cleared) when defining
Meeting Rooms or Entry Queue Access conferences.
8. If required, add participants to the conference using the following
T1-CAS participants can be connected to conferences if T1-CAS is enabled
for the conference. The appropriate flag must be set in the system.cfg file and
a T1-CAS Network Service must be defined in the system. For more
information, see the Administrator’s Guide, Chapter 3, “Completing the T1-
CAS Network Service Definition” and "Assigning the T1-CAS Network Service
to the Net-2/Net-4/Net-8 Card".
Table 2-3: Conference Properties - Participants
Field/Option Description
Lists the names of participants defined in the source file
that contains predefined participants. The source can
be a Participant database, User template file or an
LDAP directory (when available). The list is empty if no
source was selected in the Pre-Defined Participant file
box, or if no participant was defined. To list participants
in this box, select the appropriate source file in the Pre-
defined Participants file box.
Search Use this option when the list is very long, to display only
those participant names that match a particular
character string.
Type the string in the Search text box.
As each character is typed, all participants starting with
the specified character string are displayed in the
Pre-Defined Participants list.