Advanced Configuration AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
Rogue Scan
The Rogue Scan feature provides an additional security level for wireless LAN deployments. Rogue Scan uses the
selected wireless interface(s) for scanning its coverage area for Access Points and clients.
A centralized Network Manager receives MAC address information from the AP on all wireless clients detected by the AP.
The Network Manager then queries all wired switches to find out the inbound switch/port of these wireless clients. If the
switch/port does not have a valid Access Point connected to it as per a pre-configured database, the Network Manager
proceeds to block that switch/port and prevent the Rogue AP from connecting to the wired network.
CLI Configuration File Execution
4 Minor There is an error in execution of the CLI
configuration file. The message specifies the
filename, line number, and error reason.
SSH Initialization Failure 3 Major One of the following failures occurs:
Keys not present
Keys cannot be generated
Internal error (no available resources)
SSH Key Generation Successful 6 Informational SSH Key generation is successful.
Wireless Service Shutdown 6 Informational Wireless service is shutdown.
Wireless Service Resume 6 Informational Wireless service resumes.
MIC Attack Occurred 4 Minor MIC attack occurred; wireless interface is shut
down for 60 seconds
MIC Attack from Wireless Station 4 Minor A MIC attack is detected from a wireless station.
SNTP Time Retrieval Failure 4 Minor SNTP Client in the AP fails to retrieve time
information from the configured SNTP servers.
Also included in message: IP Address of SNTP
SNTP Time Sync-Up Failure 4 Minor SNTP Client in the AP fails to synchronize the time
with the SNTP server it was communicating with.
Also included in message: IP Address of SNTP
Incompatible license file 3 Major Incompatible license file is stored in flash memory
during initialization or license file download. Also
included in message: incompatibility reason.
Invalid license file 3 Major Invalid license file is stored in flash memory during
initialization or license file download. The license
file is found to be invalid if the signed checksum
verification fails.
Mesh Connection Failure 3 Major AP fails to connect with an uplink Mesh AP or
Mesh portal. Also included in message: uplink
Mesh portal/AP MAC address, Mesh SSID, and
reason for connection failure.
Link Integrity Failure 3 Major Link integrity feature determines that link integrity
target is down. Also included in message: Link
Integrity target IP address.
Topology Change 6 Informational Mesh AP changes its uplink Mesh connection. Also
included in message: uplink Mesh AP/portal MAC
address and Mesh SSID.
Syslog Message Name Priority Severity Description