Advanced Configuration AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
configured, then three SSIDs will be broadcast in individual beacons; the fourth and subsequent SSIDs will be
combined in one beacon and will not be broadcast. If Closed System is set to Enable, the SSID will not be broadcast
in the beacon. If Broadcast Unique Beacon is disabled, a combined beacon will be broadcast.
NOTE: Enabling Broadcast Unique Beacon will lower the total throughput of the AP by 2-4%. Enabling Broadcast
Unique Beacon simultaneously with Rogue Scan will cause a drift in the beacon interval and the occasional
missing of beacons.
14.Set the 802.1p Priority given to packets tagged with this VLAN ID. Enter a number between 0-7.
15.If editing an entry, enable or disable the parameters on this page by electing Enable or Disable from the Status
drop-down menu. If adding a new entry, this drop-down menu will not appear.
16.Click OK to return to Wireless-A or Wireless-B Security Configuration Screen.
17.Reboot the AP.
Configuring SSID/VLANs with VLAN Tagging Enabled
With VLAN Tagging enabled (from the SSID/VLAN/Security > Mgmt VLAN tab), multiple SSID/VLANs are supported.
Parameters set on the Wireless-A or Wireless-B tab can be enabled per SSID by choosing the Enable Security per
SSID option.
1. Click SSID/VLAN/Security > Wireless-A or Wireless-B.
2. Select the Enable Security Per SSID option. The screen will update to the following:
Figure 4-56 SSID/VLAN Configuration (VLAN Tagging Enabled)