Advanced Configuration AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
Figure 4-2 System Tab
Dynamic DNS Support
DNS is a distributed database mapping the user readable names and IP addresses (and more) of every registered
system on the Internet. Dynamic DNS is a lightweight mechanism which allows for modification of the DNS data of host
systems whose IP addresses change dynamically. Dynamic DNS is usually used in conjunction with DHCP for mapping
meaningful names to host systems whose IP addresses change dynamically.
Access Points provide DDNS support by adding the host name (option 12) in DHCP Client messages, which is used by
the DHCP server to dynamically update the DNS server.
Access Point System Naming Convention
The Access Point's system name is used as its host name. In order to prevent Access Points with default configurations
from registering similar host names in DNS, the default system name of the Access Point is uniquely generated. Access
Points generate unique system names by appending the last 3 bytes of the Access Point's MAC address to the default
system name.
The system name must be compliant with the encoding rules for host name as per DNS RFC 1123. According to the
encoding rules, the AP name:
• Can contain alphanumeric or hyphen characters only.
• Can contain up to 31 characters.
• Cannot start or end with a hyphen.
• Cannot start with a digit.