Advanced Configuration AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
• You can set the VLAN ID to “-1” or “untagged” if you do not want clients that are using a specific SSID to be
members of a VLAN workgroup. Only one “untagged” VLAN ID is allowed per interface.
• The VLAN ID must match an ID used by your network; contact your network administrator if you need assistance
defining the VLAN IDs.
6. Select the status of Closed System to control whether the SSID is advertised in the beacon and manage the way
probe requests are handled, as follows:
• Enable: The SSID is not advertised in the beacon, and the AP will respond to probe requests with an SSID only if
the client has specified the SSID in the probe request. If the client sends a probe request with a null or “ANY”
SSID, the AP will not respond.
• Partial: The SSID is advertised in the beacon, and the AP will not respond to "ANY" SSID requests. The Partial
setting reduces network traffic by eliminating the repeated broadcast of SSIDs in probe responses.
• Disable: The SSID is advertised in the beacon, and the AP will respond with each configured SSID, whether or
not an SSID has been specified in the probe request.
7. Enable Broadcast Unique Beacon using the drop-down menu. When enabled, Broadcast Unique Beacon allows the
broadcast of a up to four unique beacons when the AP is configured for multiple SSIDs. If Closed System (above) is
set to Partial or Disable, each beacon (up to four) will be broadcast a single SSID. If more than four SSIDs are
configured, then three SSIDs will be broadcast in individual beacons; the fourth and subsequent SSIDs will be
combined in one beacon and will not be broadcast. If Closed System is set to Enable, the SSID will not be broadcast
in the beacon. If Broadcast Unique Beacon is disabled, a combined beacon will be broadcast.
NOTE: Enabling Broadcast Unique Beacon will lower the throughput of the AP by 2-4%. Enabling Broadcast Unique
Beacon simultaneously with Rogue Scan will cause a drift in the beacon interval and the occasional missing of
8. Enable or disable the SSID Authorization status from the drop-down menu. SSID Authorization is the RADIUS-based
authorization of the SSID for a particular client. The authorized SSIDs are sent as the tunnel attributes.
9. Enable or disable RADIUS accounting on the VLAN/SSID under the Accounting Status drop-down menu.
10.Enable or disable RADIUS MAC authentication status on the VLAN/SSID under the RADIUS Authentication Status
drop-down menu.
11.Enable or disable MAC Access Control List status on the VLAN/SSID under the MAC ACL Status drop-down menu.
12.Enter the Rekeying Interval in seconds (between 300 and 65525). When set to 0, this parameter is disabled. The
default is 900 seconds.
13.Enter the Security Profile used by the VLAN in the Security Profile field.
NOTE: If you have two or more SSIDs per interface using a Security Profile with a security mode of Non Secure, be
aware that security being applied in the VLAN is not being applied in the wireless network.
14.Define the RADIUS Server Profile Configuration for the VLAN/SSID:
• RADIUS MAC Authentication Profile
• RADIUS EAP Authentication Profile
• RADIUS Accounting Profile
If 802.1x, WPA, or 802.11i security mode is used, the RADIUS EAP Authentication Profile must have a value.
A RADIUS Server Profile for authentication for each VLAN shall be configured as part of the configuration options for
that VLAN. RADIUS profiles are independent of VLANs. The user can define any profile to be the default and
associate all VLANs to that profile. Four profiles are created by default, “MAC Authentication”, “EAP Authentication”,
Accounting”, and “Management”.
15.Specify a QoS Profile. See the Policy section for more information.
16.Set the 802.1p Priority given to packets tagged with this VLAN ID. Enter a number between 0-7.
17.If editing an entry, enable or disable the parameters on this page using Status drop-down menu. If adding a new entry,
this drop-down menu will not appear.
18.Reboot the AP.