Command Line Interface (CLI) AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
Set Basic Configuration Parameters using CLI Commands
Enable and Configure TX Power Control for the Wireless Interface(s)
The TX Power Control feature lets the user configure the transmit power level of the card in the AP.
Perform the following commands to enable TX Power Control and set the transmit power level:
[Device-Name]>set txpowercontrol enable
[Device-Name]>set wif <interface number> currentbackofftpcvalue <0-9 dBm1-35 dBm>
Configure SSIDs (Network Names), VLANs, and Profiles
Perform the following command to configure SSIDs and VLANS, and to assign Security and RADIUS Profiles.
[Device-Name]>set wifssidtbl <Wireless Interface Index.SSID Index> ssid <Network Name>
vlanid <-1 to 1094> ssidauth <enable/disable> acctstatus <enable/disable> secprofile
<Security Profile Nmuber> radmacprofile <MAC Authentication Profile Name> radeapprofile
<EAP Authentication Profile Name> radacctprofile <Accounting Profile Name>
radmacauthstatus <enable/disable> aclstatus <enable/disable>
[Device-Name]>set wifssidtbl 3.1 ssid accesspt1 vlanid 22 ssidauth enable acctstatus
enable secprofile 1 radmacprofile "MAC Authentication" radeapprofile "EAP Authentication"
radacctprofile "Accounting" radmacauthstatus enable aclstatus enable
[Device-Name]>set wifssidtbl 4.1 ssid accesspt1 vlanid 22 ssidauth enable acctstatus
enable secprofile 1 radmacprofile "MAC Authentication" radeapprofile "EAP Authentication"
radacctprofile "Accounting" radmacauthstatus enable aclstatus enable
Download an AP Configuration File from your TFTP Server
Start the Solarwinds TFTP program (available on the AP installation CD), and click on the Security tab to verify that the
TFTP server is configured to both transmit and receive files. (Note that TFTP programs other than Solarwinds may also
require this setting.) Then enter the following commands:
[Device-Name]>set tftpfilename <file name> tftpfiletype config
tftpipaddr <IP address of your TFTP server>
[Device-Name]>show tftp (to ensure the filename, file type, and the IP address are correct)
[Device-Name]>download *
[Device-Name]>reboot 0
After following the complete process (above) once, you can download a file of the same name (so long as all the other
parameters are the same), with the following command:
[Device-Name]>download *
Backup your AP Configuration File
Start the Solarwinds TFTP program (available on the AP installation CD), and click on the Security tab to verify that the
TFTP server is configured to both transmit and receive files. (Note that TFTP programs other than Solarwinds may also
require this setting.) Then enter the following commands:
[Device-Name]>upload <TFTP Server IP address> <tftpfilename (such as “config.sys”)> config
[Device-Name]>show tftp (to ensure the filename, file type, and the IP address are correct)
After setting the TFTP parameters, you can backup your current file (so long as all the other parameters are the same),
with the following command:
[Device-Name]>upload *