Command Line Interface (CLI) AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
Parameter Tables
SSH Parameters
The following commands enable or disable SSH and set the SSH host key.
The AP SSH feature, open-SSH, confirms to the SSH protocol, and supports SSH version 2. The following SSH clients
have been verified to interoperate with the AP’s server. The following table lists the clients, version number, and the
website of the client.
For key generation, only the OpenSSH client has been verified.
Auto Configuration Parameters
These parameters relate to the Auto Configuration feature which allows an AP to be automatically configured by
downloading a specific configuration file from a TFTP server during the boot up process.
TFTP Server Parameters
These parameters relate to upload and download commands.
When you execute an upload and/or download Command, the specified arguments are stored in TFTP parameters for
future use. If nothing is specified in the command line when issuing subsequent upload and/or download commands, the
stored arguments are used.
Name Type Value Access CLI Parameter
SSH Status Integer enable
RW sshstatus
SSH Public Host Key
DisplayString AP Generated RW sshkeyfprint
SSH Host Key Status Integer create
RW sshkeystatus
Clients Version Website
OpenSSH V3.4-2 http://www.openssh.com
Putty Rel 0.53b http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk
Zoc 5.00 http://www.emtec.com
Axessh V2.5 http://www.labf.com
Name Type Value Access CLI Parameter
Auto Configuration Group N/A R autoconfig
Auto Configuration Status Integer enable (default)
RW autoconfigstatus
Auto Config File Name DisplayString User Defined RW autoconfigfilename
Auto Config TFTP Server
IP Address
IpAddress User Defined RW autoconfigTFTPaddr
Name Type Value Access CLI Parameter
TFTP Group N/A R tftp
TFTP Server IP Address IpAddress User Defined RW tftpipaddr
TFTP File Name DisplayString User Defined RW tftpfilename