
Searching the Directory
124 Netscape Directory Server Gateway Customization Guide
No matches
A search result that returns no matches means one of the following has
No entries in the directory match the search criteria.
You did not authenticate before performing the search.
The access control for the directory subtree does not permit viewing of
matching entries, regardless of authentication privileges.
A Single match
When a single match is returned in a response to an “is” search, the gateway
displays all details for the entry.
Multiple matches
When multiple matches are found in response to a search, the gateway displays
a table listing each of the matching entries and relevant information for each
entry, such as the entry’s phone number and email address.
Search Tips
Numeric Values
When search for a numeric value, such as a room number or a telephone
number, be sure to include all spaces and leading zeroes.
Blank Spaces
The directory server interface strips all leading and trailing blank spaces from
the search criteria.