Appendix A, .conf Parameters 81
Description Specifies the location of the file where the bind DN and bind password are
stored. This file is used to authenticate to the server for non-anonymous
The binddnfile contains two lines, the first specifying the dn with which to
bind, and the second specifying the bind password. For example:
binddn “<dn>”
bindpw <password>
This file should be stored separately of the .conf file for the gateway instance.
Format binddnfile <filename>
Example binddnfile /export/TEST/bindfile
Description Used by the gateway to substitute ideographic space for nonbreaking space
( ) in Asian character sets.
Format changeHTML <nbsp_from> <nbsp_to> <charset>
Example changeHTML <space character> <space character> Shift_JIS
Description Defines the default character set for communication with HTTP clients. The
default is UTF-8 (Unicode), which supports all the characters in the Netscape
Directory. UTF-8 is the preferred character set, however many browsers don’t
support the UTF-8 charset, or display it poorly.
Some users may require a different character set than the one specified using
this parameter. For these users, the charset parameter setting may be
overridden by creating a <LANG>/dsgw/charset.conf file which contains the
charset name. However, to receive the correct language, users will have to
configure their browsers to send the appropriate accept-language headers.