Chapter 4, Files Controlling Gateway Functionality 41
Gateway Script Files
Gateway Script Files
Script files are used to dynamically generate HTML forms for the user, based on
information supplied by the user and information retrieved from the Directory
Server. Script files contain directives the gateway uses to construct the HTML
for a page.
Script files can be modified to change the appearance of text that appears in
fields, buttons, and prompts on gateway forms.
Script files used to modify the information provided on gateway forms are
identified in Table 4.3.
Table 4.2 Default Template Files and Related Object Classes
Template File Related Object Class
display-country.html country
display-group.html groupOfNames
display-groupun.html groupOfUniqueNames
display-ntgroup.html ntGroup
display-ntperson.html ntUser
display-org.html organization
display-orgperperson.html inetOrgPerson
display-orgunit.html organizationalUnit
display-person.html person