Chapter 6, Search Attributes, Filters, and Results 67
Modifying Default Search Filters
Example 6.7 Search Filter for Email Address Searches
"@" " ""(mail=%v))" "email address is"
"(mail=%v*))" "email address starts with"
Note Standard searches use the filters associated with the first matching pattern only.
Advanced searches use all filters defined for the entry.
Specifying a Search Filter for a New
The syntax in Example 6.8 allows users to search person entries by birthday or
birth month.
Example 6.8 Modifying a search filter pattern
[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9]0-9](dateOfBirth=%v))date of birth is
dateOfBirth=%v*))date of birth starts with
As a result of the adding the boldface syntax in Example 6.8 to the dsgw-
people entry in dsgwfilter.conf, the gateway also filters the dateofBirth attribute
for values that start with the supplied value (the filter). The gateway returns a
message on the search results form indicating the number of entries where the
“date of birth is” or “date of birth starts with” the user-supplied value (the
Note Make sure to place new patterns near the top of the pattern definitions for a
given object. For example, in the dsgw-people entry, place customized patterns
before the pattern that begins with the @ symbol. Patterns near the end of the
entry are more general, and match many different strings.