Chapter 2, Setting Up the Gateway 13
Gateway Installation Planning
See Also
“Gateway Cloning” on page 23
Gateway Release 3.x
One gateway is installed for each instantiation of the Directory Server. The
.conf file is stored in /dsgw (under slapd-<instance>).
Securing 4.0 Gateway Configuration and
Protecting Bind DN and Password
Release 4.0 gateway .conf files reference files that contain sensitive information,
including the binddnfile containing the bind DN and bind password used to
permit non-anonymous searching of the directory. The binddnfile should not
be stored under the gateway configuration directory (<NSHOME>/dsgw), or in
any directory that is served up over HTTP.
Protecting Root Processes on UNIX Systems
On UNIX systemsm, it is not advisable to run the gateway from a Netscape
Administration server that is also running a Netscape server process as root.
This may expose sensitive information about the configuration of Netscape
Table 2.2 Location of gateway files for release 3.x
File Type Location
default gateway .conf file <NSHOME>/slapd-<server>/dsgw/dsgw.conf
default gateway HTML and
template files