it passes the type of carriage control it determined to its online (jes3211)
carriage-control processing component. This can cause the AFP output
that InfoPrint XT generates to be wrong. For more information, see
page 99.
yes | no]
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT checks inline images to prevent duplicate
image processing when it converts online jobs. When you specify
xckdupnlimg=yes, InfoPrint XT can reduce its execution time for jobs that
contain many duplicate inline images. The default is xckdupnlimg=no .
1. This conversion parameter only applies to inline images that GRAPHIC
DJDEs specify. It does not apply to inline images that IMAGE DJDEs
2. xckdupnlimg does not apply to offline jobs.
| clusterlib_name | none]
Specifies the name of the cluster library in use, or specifies that no cluster
library is in use. If you do not specify this parameter, the default is clustr
for the cluster library name.
1. If the job uses stocksets and you print the job on a continuous-forms
printer, specify xclb=none. This causes InfoPrint XT to ignore stock
references. Specifying a paper drawer has no meaning when the job
prints on a continuous-forms printer.
2. The clustr.lib file can specify both a preferred tray and a current tray
for a specific cluster name. If a cluster name specifies both a preferred
tray and a current tray, InfoPrint XT uses the value for the current tray.
This matches the operation of a Xerox printer.
| no]
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT generates No Operation (NOP) structured
fields for the text of C DJDEs in the job. If you specify xcmt2nop=yes,
InfoPrint XT includes all C DJDE text for a Xerox input page in the
corresponding page of the AFP output. The default is xcmt2nop=no. See
the information about the XRXCDJDE keyword in “Working with
InfoPrint XT AFP structured fields” on page 31.
The C DJDE is record-oriented and takes effect on the next record
that follows the next END; DJDE packet terminator. If a C DJDE
occurs in a packet that contains one or more page-oriented DJDEs,
InfoPrint XT associates the AFP NOP that it creates from the C DJDE
with the page on which the DJDE occurs. It does not associate the
AFP NOP with the page on which the page-oriented DJDEs in the
packet take effect.
| no]
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT converts the job and produces AFP output.
If you specify xconvert=no, InfoPrint XT lists the resources that the job
requires. The default is that InfoPrint XT converts the job.
Specifies the starting value for the number of copies. nnnnn is an integer
from 1 through 32767. This parameter provides compatibility with the
Xerox START command. If you specify this parameter and value, it
overrides the number of copies for each file as requested by the Job
Appendix A. Conversion parameters for converting Xerox jobs 95