1. If you use both the -n option and the -i option, do not include
path information in the value for the -n option.
2. When you delete resources, you must specify resource names in
3. When you load resources, the pdxtloadres command also
recognizes IBM Infoprint XT Extender for z/OS naming
conventions for Xerox resource files. You can transfer Xerox
resources from z/OS to the Windows system using a method
such as File Transfer Protocol (FTP). The Xerox resource data
sets have specific naming conventions. See Table 9.
Table 9. IBM Infoprint XT Extender for z/OS naming conventions for
Xerox resource files
Xerox resource extensions Corresponding z/OS name
*.CLS ¹ B#*
*.CME C$*
*.CMD D$*
*.DAT A$*
*.FNT F$*
*.FRM M$*
*.FSL G$*
*.ICT U$*
*.IMG I$*
*.IDR V$*
*.ISL W$*
*.JDL J$*
*.JSL K$*
*.LGO L$*
*.LIB B$*
*.MSC S$*
*.PCH E$*
*.PDE P$*
*.STK Y$*
*.TMP E$*
*.TST T$*
¹ This is the source code, in an InfoPrint XT format, for a
reformatted Xerox cluster database LIB file.
Specifies an existing directory in which you want InfoPrint XT to
store AFP versions of Xerox printable resources. Use this option to
store AFP resources in a directory other than %PDXTWORKDIR
%\resources\common or %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\resgrp.
InfoPrint XT also creates a metrics subdirectory, an xrxres
subdirectory, and a pdxtloadres subdirectory under the directory
that you specify.
48 InfoPrint XT Guide