AIOxxx779E FEED command in DJDE packet ending
on record record_number specified stock
reference stk_ref, but no STOCKSET is
in use; the data stream converter cannot
resolve the stock reference.
Explanation: A FEED DJDE specifies a stock reference,
stk_ref, but no STOCKSET is in effect. InfoPrint XT
ignores the FEED DJDE command.
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the FEED DJDE
and pulls paper from the main bin.
User response: Verify that the job specifies the correct
FEED DJDE and the correct STOCKSET. Then,
reconvert the job.
AIOxxx780E FEED command in JDL jdl_name/JDE
jde_name specified stock reference stk_ref,
but no STOCKSET is in use; the data
stream converter cannot resolve the
stock reference.
Explanation: A FEED command in a JDL/JDE
specifies a stock reference, stk_ref, but no STOCKSET is
in effect.
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the FEED
User response: Verify that the xjdl and xjde
conversion parameters for the job specify the correct
JDL and JDE, and that the STOCKSET is correct. Then,
reconvert the job.
AIOxxx781E A resource processor could not find
reformatted resource_type resource
resource_name in the reformatted Xerox
resource path.
Explanation: resource_type can be CME, PDE, STK, or
TST. InfoPrint XT did not find the named resource
resource_name in the reformatted Xerox resource
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the reformatted
resource and continues processing the job.
User response: Verify that the spelling of the resource
name is correct, and that you have loaded the resource
as a common resource or as a resource that belongs to a
specific group. Then, make sure that the path to the
resource is available to InfoPrint XT and reconvert the
AIOxxx790E Correlation of Xerox DBCS font
font_name to non-DBCS AFP font
resource resource_name is not valid.
Explanation: During AFP font processing, InfoPrint
XT found a correlation between a Xerox DBCS font and
an AFP single-byte font. InfoPrint XT does not support
this type of correlation.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the font.
User response: Correct the entry in the font
correlation table so that the correlation is between a
Xerox DBCS font and an AFP DBCS outline font. Then,
rebuild the font correlation table.
AIOxxx791E Reformatted font information for Xerox
font font_name is incomplete. Reload the
resource to extract and store DBCS
Explanation: During AFP font processing, InfoPrint
XT determined that the reformatted Xerox font metrics
file for font_name does not contain DBCS information.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the font.
User response: Reload the Xerox DBCS font. Then,
reconvert the job.
AIOxxx792E Font processing found a reference to
Xerox DBCS font font_name, but option is
in effect. DBCS mode requires
Explanation: During AFP font processing, InfoPrint
XT found a reference to Xerox DBCS font font_name,
but it also found an xresolution value other than 300.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the font.
User response: Correct the resolution specification so
that it specifies 300-pel resolution.
Appendix D. Resource utility messages and data stream converter messages: AIOxxxnnnx 145