
strings defined by the RSTACK or BANNER command
serve to separate the reports.
resource. See non-printable resource and printable
signature font. A font that contains one or more
images, logos, or signatures that are tiled into many
characters. You can reproduce the image by printing
the correct sequence of characters from the font.
START. The command that a Xerox printer operator
enters to start a print job from the console of a Xerox
LPS printer. The command has two arguments,
separated by a comma. The first argument is the JDE
for the job and the second argument is the JDL. Each
job must specify the appropriate starting JDE and JDL,
otherwise the job either does not print, or prints with
STK. The file type, or extension, of a Xerox stockset
file. A stockset file defines paper drawers, such as
which are the main and auxiliary drawers, and which
is the default drawer. You use STK files with the cluster
database (CLUSTR.LIB), which contains cluster
information in a binary format. The stockset and the
CLUSTR.LIB represent a specific printing environment
when the operator loads specific types of paper in the
drawers of the printer. For example, when printing
checks, the customer might have forms in one drawer
on which a monthly statement prints, and the actual
checks in another drawer.
TST. The file type, or extension, of a Xerox routing
text file. These precompiled files contain text strings
that print on separate pages, which precede the
individual reports. These text strings are also called
routing text and, as an option, you can print them with
an overlay. You create TST files by compiling ROUTE
commands in JSL files. The RTEXT JDL command or
the RTEXT DJDE invokes them from the job data
stream. The RFORM JDL command or RFORM DJDE
specifies whether an overlay prints on the routing text
Xerox Integrated Composition System (XICS). A
host-resident software product for composing text
documents (z/OS, z/VSE, z/VM) that print on a Xerox
centralized printer or photo-typesetter. XICS provides
support for merging Xerox format graphic images
inline or to reserve white space for merging at the
printer. Commands are of the control word variety,
rather than generalized markup.
Xerox Job Control Facility (XJCF). A host-resident
software product developed by Xerox Computer
Systems as an extension to z/OS JES2 for the Xerox
LPS printers. It builds and inserts DJDE records in the
output file based on user job control statements,
Xerox-extended JES2 parameters, initialization
parameters, and JES2 system defaults. In addition to
3800-1 compatibility support, it provides a mechanism
for accessing other features of the Xerox centralized
printers (such as duplex, two-up, and electronic forms
merge) without user awareness of DJDEs.
Xerox Production Print Mode (XPPM). Pertaining to
printing to Xerox LPS printers using LCDS or metacode
data streams.
170 InfoPrint XT Guide