If you specify the -o option, you cannot specify the -g option. If
you do not specify either -o or -g, the pdxtloadres command uses
the common resource group.
If the directory that you specify does not exist, InfoPrint XT
issues an error message.
[-p 300_1 | 300_2]
Specifies the type of shading patterns that InfoPrint XT uses when
it converts Xerox forms. Valid values are:
300_1 Specifies the shading patterns used by Xerox 9700, 4x50,
and 4x90 printers. This is the default.
300_2 Specifies the patterns used by Xerox 4x35 printers.
For a specific Xerox resource that is already loaded, InfoPrint XT
loads a new version of the Xerox resource. If the Xerox resource is
a printable resource, InfoPrint XT also rebuilds the AFP file or files.
If the load process is successful, InfoPrint XT replaces the original
copy of the Xerox resource in the xrxres subdirectory.
If you specify the -r option, you cannot specify the -i option.
[-s none | word | char]
Specifies the type of spacing fidelity adjustments that InfoPrint XT
makes when it converts Xerox forms. Valid values are:
none InfoPrint XT does not make any spacing adjustments
during conversion. This is the default and is adequate for
most Xerox forms. However, if you see a noticeable
difference between the Xerox printed form and the
corresponding AFP overlay printed on an InfoPrint
Solutions Company printer, you can make adjustments
with the other values for this option.
word InfoPrint XT makes spacing adjustments at word
char InfoPrint XT makes spacing adjustments at both word and
character boundaries.
programs that use the pdxtloadres command can use
these universal values instead of the language-specific keywords:
v API:N is the same as none.
v API:W is the same as word.
v API:C is the same as char.
Use of word or character adjustments affects performance
and results in larger AFP files.
Streams used by the pdxtloadres command
The pdxtloadres command uses some file descriptors while it processes Xerox
resources and ignores others:
fd0 (STDIN) The command does not use this stream.
fd1 (STDOUT)
The command does not use this stream.
Chapter 4. Loading Xerox resources 49