pdxtdownload does not add skip-to-channel-one carriage
controls. This is the default.
pdxtdownload adds skip-to-channel-one carriage controls
to multi-dataset jobs.
pdxtdownload adds skip-to-channel-one carriage controls
to all jobs.
pdxtdownload adds skip-to-channel-one carriage controls
only to data sets that you process with the a2m and addmcc
operands. If you specify a2m=none and addmcc=none,
pdxtdownload ignores the addskip operand.
Specifies whether pdxtdownload counts records:
pdxtdownload does not count records. This is the default.
pdxtdownload counts records.
you specify countrec=yes to cause pdxtdownload to count
records and pages, InfoPrint XT sets the InfoPrint Manager
record-count and page-count document attributes. pdxtdownload
counts pages by counting the number of records that have a
skip-to-channel-one carriage control. If it does not find any
skip-to-channel-one carriage controls, it does not set the
page-count attribute. The number of skip-to-channel-one carriage
controls does not always reflect the true number of pages in the
data stream when the job prints. InfoPrint XT sets the page-count
attribute to the true number of pages when it converts Xerox LCDS
and metacode jobs to AFP. Operators can use the page-count value
that pdxtdownload sets to estimate the size of the printed output
for workflow purposes.
1. pdxtdownload honors countrec=yes only when the resulting
job contains a single document.
2. At the point that pdxtdownload sets the initial value of the
page-count attribute, it does not try to distinguish logical pages
from physical pages.
3. If you have multi-dataset jobs and their carriage controls are
not consistent, specify the -p directive with these operands:
-p a2m=multi,addmcc=multi,addskip=multi
-q Specifies how pdxtdownload interprets the PRTQUEUE value from z/OS:
ldest pdxtdownload uses the first word of the value for the
destination-name-requested attribute. It passes any remaining text
as InfoPrint Manager attributes. This is the default.
For example, if the PRTQUEUE statement has this value:
PRTQUEUE='IP4000 initial-value-document=dfault'
Chapter 6. Transferring jobs with Download for z/OS 77