TABLE 6–17 Version 5and Version 6 LogFunctionality (Continued)
DirectoryProxyServer5Attribute Purpose DirectoryProxyServer6.0Equivalent
ids-proxy-con-audit-syslog Syslog facility codefor audit
ids-proxy-con-audit-file Path to auditlog le log-file-name of the access-logobject
Because a one to one mapping of log conguration is not possible between the two versions, you
need to understand the new logging model and then congure your new logs accordingly,
rather than migrating your old log conguration. For more information, see Chapter 27,
“Directory Proxy Server Logging,” in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0
Administration Guide.
Mapping the Events Conguration
Directory Proxy Server 5 event objects are used to specify conditions that Directory Proxy
Server should evaluate at predetermined states.
Two types of event objects are supported:
OnBindSuccess. Evaluated when a client successfully completes a bind operation.
OnSSLEstablished. Evaluated when a client successfully established an SSL session.
In Directory Proxy Server 6.0, events are implemented as properties of a connection handler.
Use the dpconf command to set these properties. For example, run the following command to
set the authentication methods for the connection handler:
$ dpconf set-connection-handler-prop connection-handler-name \
allowed-auth-methods:anonymous allowed-auth-methods:sasl allowed-auth-methods:simple
In Iplanet Directory Access Router 5.0 (IDAR) these conguration attributes are stored under
ids-proxy-con-Config-Name=name,ou=global,ou=pd2,ou=iDAR,o=services. In Directory
Proxy Server 5.2, these conguration attributes are stored under
The following table maps the version 5 event conguration attributes to the corresponding
properties in Directory Proxy Server 6.0.
TABLE 6–18 MappingBetween Version 5Event Attributes and Version6 Connection Handler Properties
DirectoryProxyServer5Attribute DirectoryProxyServer6.0Property
ids-proxy-sch-OnBindSuccessRule bind-dn-filters
Mappingthe EventsConguration
Chapter6 • Migrating DirectoryProxyServer 103