
TABLE 6–17 Version 5and Version 6 LogFunctionality (Continued)
DirectoryProxyServer5Attribute Purpose DirectoryProxyServer6.0Equivalent
ids-proxy-con-audit-syslog Syslog facility codefor audit
ids-proxy-con-audit-file Path to auditlog le log-file-name of the access-logobject
Because a one to one mapping of log conguration is not possible between the two versions, you
need to understand the new logging model and then congure your new logs accordingly,
rather than migrating your old log conguration. For more information, see Chapter 27,
“Directory Proxy Server Logging,” in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0
Administration Guide.
Mapping the Events Conguration
Directory Proxy Server 5 event objects are used to specify conditions that Directory Proxy
Server should evaluate at predetermined states.
Two types of event objects are supported:
OnBindSuccess. Evaluated when a client successfully completes a bind operation.
OnSSLEstablished. Evaluated when a client successfully established an SSL session.
In Directory Proxy Server 6.0, events are implemented as properties of a connection handler.
Use the dpconf command to set these properties. For example, run the following command to
set the authentication methods for the connection handler:
$ dpconf set-connection-handler-prop connection-handler-name \
allowed-auth-methods:anonymous allowed-auth-methods:sasl allowed-auth-methods:simple
In Iplanet Directory Access Router 5.0 (IDAR) these conguration attributes are stored under
ids-proxy-con-Config-Name=name,ou=global,ou=pd2,ou=iDAR,o=services. In Directory
Proxy Server 5.2, these conguration attributes are stored under
The following table maps the version 5 event conguration attributes to the corresponding
properties in Directory Proxy Server 6.0.
TABLE 6–18 MappingBetween Version 5Event Attributes and Version6 Connection Handler Properties
DirectoryProxyServer5Attribute DirectoryProxyServer6.0Property
ids-proxy-sch-OnBindSuccessRule bind-dn-filters
Mappingthe EventsConguration
Chapter6 • Migrating DirectoryProxyServer 103