EXAMPLE 7–1 SampleExport Conguration File (Continued)
After the completion of conguration export, export11cnf reports the result of the operation.
If the operation fails, an appropriate error message is displayed with an error identier.
Checking for Undelivered Messages
The migration process minimizes system downtime by preserving the connectors’ states in the
existing deployment. However, these states reect only the last change received and
acknowledged by the Message Queue. Therefore, you do not know whether the message was
actually delivered and applied to the destination connector.
This behavior does not cause problems as long as the Message Queue remains the same.
However, you will lose any messages on the Message Queue during the migration process when
you install Message Queue 3.6.
You must verify that the synchronization topics on the existing Message Queue do not have any
undelivered messages before you proceed with the migration. The Identity Synchronization for
Windows checktopics utility enables you to verify that all the synchronization topics are
empty and the system is not causing any problem.
Using the checktopics Utility
The checktopics utility is delivered in the migration directory of the Solaris/SPARC and the
Windows Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 package.
Note – The prerequisite to run checktopics is a Java Virtual Machine.
When you run the checktopics utility, it connects to the conguration directory, which
contains information about Synchronization User Lists (SULs) and current synchronization
PreparingforIdentity SynchronizationforWindowsMigration
SunJavaSystemDirectoryServerEnterpriseEdition6.0 MigrationGuide • March2007114