
TABLE 6–1 Mappingof Version 5 Global Conguration Attributes to6.0 Properties (Continued)
DirectoryProxyServer5Attribute DirectoryProxyServer6.0Property
ids-proxy-con-max-conns Thisattribute can be mappedto the max-client-connections property of
a connection handlerresource limit. To congure this property,use the
dpconf command as follows:
$ dpconf set-resource-limit-policy-prop POLICY-NAME
For moreinformation, see “Creating and Conguring a ResourceLimits
Policy” in Sun Java System DirectoryServer Enterprise Edition 6.0
Administration Guide.
ids-proxy-con-userid Thisattribute can be mapped to theuser and group names specied when
an instance iscreated by using the following command:
$ dpadm create [-u NAME -g NAME] INSTANCE-PATH
For moreinformation, see “Creating and Deleting aDirectory Proxy Server
Instance” inSun Java SystemDirectory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0
Administration Guide.
ids-proxy-con-working-dir This attributecan be mapped to the INSTANCE-PATHspecied when an
instance is createdby using the following command:
$ dpadm create INSTANCE-PATH
For moreinformation, see “Creating and Deleting aDirectory Proxy Server
Instance” inSun Java SystemDirectory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0
Administration Guide.
ids-proxy-con-include-logpropertyNoequivalent. For information onconguring logging in Directory Proxy
Server 6.0, seeChapter 27, “Directory Proxy ServerLogging,” in SunJava
System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Administration Guide.
Mapping the Global Security Conguration
In Directory Proxy Server 5, security is congured by using attributes of the global
conguration object. In Directory Proxy Server 6.0, you can congure security when you create
the server instance by using the dpadm command. For more information, see Chapter 19,
“Directory Proxy Server Certicates,” in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0
Administration Guide.
In Iplanet Directory Access Router 5.0 (IDAR) these conguration attributes are stored under
ids-proxy-con-Config-Name=name,ou=global,ou=pd2,ou=iDAR,o=services. In Directory
Proxy Server 5.2, these conguration attributes are stored under
The following table maps the version 5 security attributes to the corresponding properties in
Directory Proxy Server 6.
Mappingthe GlobalConguration
Chapter6 • Migrating DirectoryProxyServer 85