e. From the Directory Server Console, locateand remove thefollowing entry from the
Conguration Directory:
f. Stop DirectoryServer.
g. Remove thePlugin binaryby typing the followingcommand.
rm -f serverRoot/lib/psw-plugin.so
h. RestartDirectory Server.
Back-up (copy and rename)the current productregistry le located in
Manually edit theproductregistry le in /var/sadm/install/ to remove thefollowing
entries,if present:
Note –
For best results, use an XML editor. Alternatively, you can use a standard text editor.
Some of the following components may not be included in your le.
You must delete the beginning tag (<compid\>), ending tag (</compid\>), and all contents
in-between both tags). Ellipses are used in the following list to represent any additional text,
or tags that are included as part of these tags. See the example on
“Manually Uninstalling 1.1
Core and Instances from Solaris” on page 125
<compid\>Identity Synchronization for Windows...</compid\>
<compid\>Create DIT...</compid\>
<compid\>Extend Schema...</compid\>
<compid\>Directory Server Plugin...</compid\>
WhattoDo ifthe1.1Uninstallation Fails
SunJavaSystemDirectoryServerEnterpriseEdition6.0 MigrationGuide • March2007128