Migrating the Hubs
For each hub in the replicated topology:
1. Disable replication agreements from the masters to the hub you want to migrate.
2. Disable replication agreements from the hub you want to migrate to the consumers.
3. Stop the hub.
4. Migrate the hub according to the instructions under
Chapter 1.
5. Start the hub.
6. Enable the replication agreements from the masters to that hub.
7. Enable the replication agreements from that hub to the consumers.
8. If you have migrated the data, check that replication is in sync.
9. If you have not migrated the data, reinitialize the hub.
The following sequence of diagrams illustrate the migration of a hub, as described above. The
rst diagram shows the topology before migrating the hubs.
5.x Master A 5.x Master B
5.x Hub A 5.x Hub B
5.x Consumer B6.0 Consumer A
FIGURE4–4 Placing the 6.0 Consumer Into theTopology
Chapter4 • Migrating aReplicatedTopology 57