The following is an example <compid\> tag. Remove <compid\>, </compid\>, and all the text
and tags in-between.
<compid\>Identity Synchronization for Windows
<uniquename\>Identity Synchronization for Windows</uniquename\>
Removethe following Identity Synchronization forWindowsdirectoriesand les.
a. Fromthe installation location, typethe following command.
rm -rf serverRoot/isw-hostname
b. To remove the bootstraples, type the following command.
rm -rf /etc/init.d/isw
Clean up theconguration directory as follows:
a. Run the following ldapsearch commandagainst the conguration directory where Identity
Synchronization forWindows Core is installed to locate theIdentity Synchronization for
Windows Consolesubtree:
ldapsearch -D "cn=directory manager" -w < password \> -b o=netscaperoot
"(nsnickname=isw)" dn
Note – ldapsearch is located in Directory Server’s < serverRoot\>/shared/bin/ldapsearch.
For example, /var/Sun/mps/shared/bin/ldapsearch
WhattoDo ifthe1.1Uninstallation Fails
Chapter7 • Migrating IdentitySynchronizationforWindows 129