Other Technical Requirements
16 iPlanet Web Server, FastTrack Edition Installation Guide • June 2000
During installation, the server uses the LocalSystem account, not the user account
you created. Once you start and run the server, you should use the user account
you created. You can change the user account for the server after the installation
process. You can configure that user account so that it has permissions to get files
on another computer, so that your server can serve files that are mounted from
another computer.
In addition, the user account you create for the server should belong to a group
that contains the server users for all iPlanet servers so that multiple servers can
have access to shared files.
Choosing Unique Port Numbers
You need multiple port numbers: one for the Administration Server and one for
each instance of iPlanet Web Server. The Administration Server is a special instance
of the iPlanet Web Server that you use to manage your iPlanet Web Server. This
Administration Server is not the same as the Netscape Administration Server
shipped with the Netscape Console.
The standard web server port number is 80 and the standard SSL-enabled web
server port number is 443, but you can install iPlanet Web Server to use any port. If
you use a port other than the default port (port 80), the URL used to gain access to
your home page changes. For example, if your computer is called
and you choose port 9753, your server’s URL will be
You should choose a random number for the Administration Server to make it
harder for anyone to breach your server. When you configure your server, you use
the Administration Server’s port number. For example, for server
the server’s URL could be
Make sure the port you choose isn’t already in use. On Unix and Linux systems,
you can check the file
/etc/services on the server machine to make sure you
don’t assign a port number that is reserved for another service. If you choose a port
that is currently being used by another service, the installation program prompts
you for another port.
NOTE It’s strongly recommended that you use a dedicated account for the