Installing Netscape Directory Server
18 iPlanet Web Server, FastTrack Edition Installation Guide • June 2000
Installing Netscape Directory Server
If you are planning to use users and groups (for example, for access control) with
your iPlanet Web Server, you need to install Netscape Directory Server before
installing the iPlanet Web Server, or use an exiting LDAP server installation.
For information on Directory Server see
Installing Netscape Console
When you install the Directory Server, you also install Netscape Console. Use
Netscape Console to manage your Directory Server. You can also access the iPlanet
Web Server from Netscape Console if you run a script after you install the iPlanet
Web Server. For more information, see “Accessing iPlanet Web Server from the
Netscape Console” on page 20.
If you are not planning to use Directory Server, you do not need to install Netscape
Installing a Java Developer’s Kit
If you are planning to use Java, you must install a Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
or a Java Developer’s Kit (JDK). iPlanet Web Server includes a JRE that you can
install during the installation process. However, you may prefer to install a JDK.
You need either a JRE or a JDK to use the following features:
NOTE You can install Netscape Directory Server and iPlanet Web Server
on the same Windows NT machine if you do the following:
•If during installation you are asked which version of libraries to install,
always select those which have the most recent release dates.
•If you need to uninstall either product, you must first make a copy of the
uninstall program (uninst.exe) since it will be removed during the
uninstall process. Also, you must uninstall iPlanet Web Server before you
uninstall Directory Server.