Installing a Java Developer’s Kit
Chapter 1 Before You Install iPlanet Web Server, FastTrack Edition 19
• Java servlets
• server-side JavaScript database connectivity (LiveWire)
You need a JDK to run the following feature (it will not run with a JRE):
• Java Server Pages (JSPs)
Because you need a JDK to use JSPs, JSPs are only turned on by default if you
provide a path to a JDK during installation.
Different platforms require different versions of the JDK:
• Sun Solaris requires JDK 1.2.2_01 or higher. Download a JDK at:
• HP-UX requires JDK 1.2.2_02 or higher. Download a JDK at:
• IBM AIX requires JDK 1.2.2_01 or higher. Download a JDK at:
• Compaq Tru64 UNIX requires JDK 1.2.2-3 or higher. Download a JDK at:
• Windows NT requires a JDK of 1.2.2_01 or higher. Download a JDK at:
• Linux requires a JDK of 1.2.2 or higher, release candidate 4 or later. Download
a JDK at:
You can install the JDK before you install iPlanet Web Server, and provide the path
to it during installation, or you can wait until after you’ve installed iPlanet Web
Server to install it.
After installation you can change the JRE or JDK iPlanet Web Server uses. In the
Administration Server, on the Global Settings tab, use the Configure JRE/JDK
Paths page. You can also change the path to the JRE/JDK in this page.
CAUTION If you are using HP-UX, you must install the JRE included with
iPlanet Web Server or supply a JDK. Without one or the other, the
HP-UX iPlanet Web Server won’t run.