Installing on Windows NT
40 iPlanet Web Server, FastTrack Edition Installation Guide • June 2000
11. The Using LDAP for Users and Group Administration dialog box appears. If
you want to use LDAP, click the checkbox and specify the LDAP URL in the
format ldap://hostname:port/base DN. For example,
You must also enter the bind DN (for example,
cn=Directory Manager) and
the directory server password.
If you do not want to use LDAP, leave the checkbox unchecked.
Click Next.
12. If you are installing the Java and Servlets subcomponent (installed by default),
the JDK Configuration dialog box appears. If you are using Java on your
iPlanet Web Server, you must have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or a
Java Development Kit (JDK) installed. You can use the JRE included with
iPlanet Web Server (for more information see Step 7) or you can use a custom
JDK that already resides on your system.
To use your own JDK, click the Use Custom Java Development Kit checkbox
and enter the absolute path to the folder where you installed the JDK on your
system. If you want to use a Library path or Classpath that is different than the
default for your JDK, enter a different path here.
13. The Configuration Summary dialog box appears. This dialog box contains
information about the settings for your iPlanet Web Server and Administration
Server. It also contains a list of the iPlanet Web Server components you
selected for installation.
This dialog box gives you the opportunity to review your settings before the
installation is complete. If they are correct, click Install. If you want to change
some of the settings, click Back and correct the information.
The server files are installed. The Setup Complete dialog box appears.
Before you can use your administration and web servers, you must either start
them from the Control Panel’s Services item, or reboot your machine to start
them automatically.
NOTE You should not cancel the installation process while the files are
being copied. If you do, you will have a partial installation you
need to clean up. If an uninstaller for iPlanet Web Server exists, use
it to uninstall the portion of iPlanet Web Server you installed. If the
uninstaller does not exist, manually delete all the files that are in the
server root.