Installing on Linux
46 iPlanet Web Server, FastTrack Edition Installation Guide • June 2000
4. Choose whether you accept the software license agreement by typing Yes to
accept, or No to decline. If you have not yet read the license agreement, cancel
out of the installation and read the file
LICENSE.txt that is in the same
directory as the
setup program
5. Choose Typical or Custom.
Press Enter.
6. Type a server root directory or accept the default (/usr/netscape/server4).
This directory is where the server files and directory structure will be installed.
You need to run the server as a user that has write access to this directory, for
example, the directory owner.
7. Choose all components.
Press Enter.
8. Choose the iPlanet Web Server subcomponents to install.
If you do not install a subcomponent and later decide you want to use it, you
can run the installer again to install just the missing subcomponent. However,
you cannot uninstall individual subcomponents once they are installed.
By default, all subcomponents are installed.
The subcomponents you can choose to install are described in the following
numbered sections.
1. Server Core
Installs Administration Server and the first instance of iPlanet Web Server.
2. Java Runtime Environment
If you are planning to use Java, you must have a Java Runtime
Environment (JRE) or a Java Developer’s Kit (JDK). You can install the
provided JRE, or supply your own JDK. For more information, see
“Installing a Java Developer’s Kit,” on page 18.
CAUTION You must install the Server Core subcomponent the first time you
install iPlanet Web Server. If you install additional subcomponents
later, you are not required to reinstall the Core subcomponent.