Installing on Linux
50 iPlanet Web Server, FastTrack Edition Installation Guide • June 2000
After installing, you can configure the server to use LDAP users and groups, and to
use a JDK. For more information on how to make these changes, see the iPlanet Web
Server Administrator’s Guide.
To run setup, follow these steps:
1. If you are not in the directory already, change to the directory where you
unpacked the file.
2. Type ./setup to start the server installation.
A welcome screen appears.
3. Press Enter to continue with the installation.
Table 4-1 Express installation settings
Installation Setting Value
administration port 8888
administration URL http://machine name:adminisration port
HTTP port number 80
document root server_root/doc
Linux user to run server root
LDAP users and groups not using
JDK none
JRE default JRE shipped with iPlanet Web Server
subcomponents All subcomponents installed
CAUTION Do not use Express Installation if you already have another web
server running on port 80.
CAUTION You must log in as
root to use Express installation.