Chapter 10 Troubleshooting 103
● Type:
SunVTS, the Sun Validation and Test Suite, is an online diagnostics tool which you
can use to verify the configuration and functionality of hardware controllers, devices
and platforms. It runs in the Solaris 8 operating environment using any of the
■ command line interface
■ serial (tty) interface
■ graphical interface within a windowed desktop environment.
SunVTS software lets you view and control a testing session on a remotely
connected server. Below is a list of example tests:
To Find Out If SunVTS is Installed
To check whether SunVTS is installed:
● Type:
■ If SunVTS software is loaded, information about the package will be displayed.
ok setenv diag-level value
TABLE 10-2 SunVTS Tests
SunVTS Test Description
disktest Verifies local disk drives
fputest Checks the floating-point unit
nettest Checks the networking hardware on the system CPU board and on
network adapters contained in the system.
pmem Tests the physical memory (read only)
sutest Tests the server’s on-board serial ports
vmem Tests the virtual memory (a combination of the swap partition and
the physical memory)
# pkginfo -l SUNWvts