
Figures vii
FIGURE 1-1 The Sun Fire V100 server 2
FIGURE 2-1 Cable Management Bracket 9
FIGURE 2-2 Positioning the Slide Mounts for a Sun StorEdge 72-Inch Tall Rack 10
FIGURE 2-3 Positioning the Slide Mounts for a Standard 19-Inch Wide Rack 10
FIGURE 2-4 Fastening the Slide Mounts to a Sun StorEdge 72-inch Tall Rack – Rear View (Side Panels
Removed for Clarity) 11
FIGURE 2-5 Fastening the Slide Mounts to a Sun StorEdge 72-inch Expansion Rack – Front View (Side
Panels Removed for Clarity) 12
FIGURE 2-6 Fastening the Slide Mounts to a Standard 19-inch Rack 13
FIGURE 2-7 Sliding the Sun Fire V100 Server Into a Standard 19-Inch Rack 14
FIGURE 2-8 Adjusting the Slide Mounts and Screwing the Server Into the Rack 15
FIGURE 2-9 Fitting the Cable Management Bracket to a Sun StorEdge or a Standard 19-Inch Rack 16
FIGURE 2-10 The Server’s Back Panel 17
FIGURE 3-1 Serial Port Pins 1 to 8 21
FIGURE 4-1 Sun Fire V100 Server Power (On/Standby) Switch 39
FIGURE 6-1 Sample LOM Device Event Log (Oldest Event Reported First) 73
FIGURE 7-1 Front-Panel Power and Fault LEDs 82
FIGURE 7-2 Back-Panel Power and Fault LEDs 84
FIGURE 8-1 The System Configuration Card Slot 87
FIGURE 8-2 Using the Disposable Antistatic Wrist Strap Supplied With the System 88