Appendix B Configuring LOM Driver 121
Configuring the LOM Device Driver
The full list of parameters you can set in this file is given in TABLE B-1.
TABLE B-1 LOM Configuration File Parameters
Field Format Default Effect
wdog_reset= Boolean
0 Causes LOM to reset the server
after a watchdog timeout.
Setting this to 1 is equivalent to
using the lom -R oncommand
described in Chapter 6.
wdog_alarm3= Boolean
0 Turns on software alarm 3 when
the LOM watchdog times out.
Setting this to 1 is equivalent to
using the lom -A on,3
command described in
Chapter 6.
serial_events= 0=OFF
2 Causes LOM to report events
over the serial connection.
Setting this parameter to 0
means that no events will be
reported over the serial
connection. Setting it to 1 means
that events will be reported
over the serial connection as
well as to syslogd; this is
equivalent to lom -E on.If
you have dedicated the Serial
A/LOM port to LOM, you need
to set this parameter to 1. It
ensures that you receive all
event reports at the terminal
you have connected to Serial A/
LOM. Finally, setting the
parameter to 2 means that
events will be reported over the
serial connection but only when
the driver is not running (when
it is running they will be
reported to syslogd, although
Fatal and Warning messages
will still go to Serial A/LOM).