76 Sun Fire V100 Server User’s Guide • December 2001
Other LOM Tasks You Can Perform
From the Solaris Prompt
This section describes how to:
■ Turn the alarms and Fault LEDs on and off with the lom command.
■ Change the first character of the lom escape sequence.
■ Stop LOM sending reports to the Serial A/LOM port.
■ Remove driver protection from the device driver.
■ Make the LOM interface backward compatible.
■ Upgrade LOM firmware.
▼ To Turn the Alarms On and Off (lom -A)
There are three alarms associated with LOM. They are not associated with specific
conditions but are software flags that can be set either by your own processes or
from the command line.
● To turn an alarm on from the command line, type:
where n is the number of the alarm you want to set: 1, 2, or 3.
● To turn the alarm off from the command line, type:
where n is the number of the alarm you want to turn off: 1, 2, or 3.
▼ To Turn the Fault LED On and Off (lom -F)
● To turn the Fault LED on, type:
# lom -A on,n
# lom -A off,n
# lom -F on