Chapter 5 Managing the Sun Fire V100 Server From the lom> Prompt 49
Monitoring the Server From the LOM
This section describes commands that enable you to check the status of the server
and the components monitored by the LOM device.
It also describes how to view the events stored in the LOM device’s event log.
reset_nvram In this mode, the server returns all NVRAM data to its default
setting. The command is equivalent to the Stop-N key combination
for Sun keyboards. To cause the parameter to take effect, you must
reset the server after using the bootmode command at the lom>
diag In this mode, the server performs full self-diagnostics as part of the
boot process. The command is equivalent to the Stop-D key
combination for Sun keyboards. To cause the parameter to take
effect, you must power off and then power on the server within 10
minutes of using the bootmode command at the lom> prompt.
skip_diag In this mode, the server skips the diagnostics part of the boot
process. To cause the parameter to take effect, you must power off
and then power on the server within 10 minutes of using the
bootmode command at the lom> prompt.
TABLE 5-1 Boot Modes
Mode Description