
30 Sun Fire V100 User’s Guide December 2001
3. Choose Menu > Options > Communications and make the following settings.
This ensures correct communication with the server.
4. Choose Menu > Options > Terminal and make the following settings:
5. Click On.
This starts the software’s online mode.
Tip – If the screen prompt does not appear immediately, try pressing the Return key.
The prompt should appear.
You can now configure the Solaris operating environment and manage the server
through the handheld device’s terminal emulator. For information on how to power
on and configure the server, go to “Powering On and Configuring the Server” on
page 34.
Property Method
Method Serial
Port Serial
Baud Rate 9600
Data Bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
RTS/CTS Unchecked
Xon/Xoff Unchecked
Property Method
Emulate TTY
Font Small
Return LF
Backspace BS
Add LF Unchecked
Display follows cursor Checked
Autowrap to next line Unchecked
Local echo/Pacing Unchecked/Off