Brake Adjustment (Fig. 1)
A brake adjustment rod is located on each side of the
machine so the brakes can be equally adjusted.
1. Push down on the brake pedal while driving the
machine; both wheels should lock equally.
As a safety precaution, always check brakes
in a wide, open spaced, flat area which is free
of other persons and obstructions before and
after adjustment.
2. If both wheel do not lock equally, disconnect the brake
rods by removing cotter pin and clevis pin.
3. Loosen jam nut and adjust clevis.
4. Assemble clevis to brake shaft.
5. Check brake pedal free travel. There should be 1/2 in.
to 1 in. travel before the brake shoes make contact with
the brake drums. Adjust again, if necessary, to get this
6. Push down on the brake pedal while driving the
machine; both wheels should lock equally. Repeat steps
2 - 5 if necessary.
Figure 1
1. Clevis pin and cotter pin 3. Clevis
2. Jam nut 4. Brake shaft
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